The constant search for a suitable and affordable CNC machine on the EU market was like
looking for a needle in a haystack - unsuccessful, but for us an absolutely additional motivation
that pushed us to design and build the machine ourselves. We were positively impressed by the
results and, at the suggestion of others, we decided to bring the product to market. As a small
team, we registered our company in 2021, just to bring the product we were looking for to a
wider audience looking for a high quality, accurate and affordable CNC machine. We are
different from the competition in that almost all of our machines are fully assembled and ready
for immediate use.
We work with values such as responsibility, knowledge, cooperation, quality and flexibility. When
you place an order, we listen to your needs and try to take them into account as much as
possible. We know how to be flexible so that we can work together to create optimal solutions
for you.